The Third Choice Asian Conference

held in Seoul, Korea on June 21 – 25, 1988

The Theme was

“Committed as Christ”

The Elected Coordinating Team

Fr. Frans de Ridder – Couple Terentius & Rose Loh Single; Jessica Chia from Singapore

Present were : Choice Singapore – Indonesia – Japan – Korea 
‌Absent were : Choice Malaysia & India

Note: That Choice India was an Open & Apostolic programme of Marriage Encounter India – the Choice delegates present at the 1st & 2nd Choice Asian Conferences attended it on their own account – They tried their best to become an on its own standing movement but did not succeed.

Terentius & Rose

A Birthday Celebration

Delegates & Observers in the Conference room

More pictures of Delegates & Observers posing in the Conference room

The important issues discussed in this conference were

- Reporting & Learning from one another. Each country in turns presented about how they did ‘Choice’ in their countries - Following up the issues discussed in the 2nd conference especially the ones that needed the consent of Choice Asia’s national communities, such as: T.T.T. (Think Tank Team) This “body” was felt as necessary for the maintenance & growth of Choice Asia but no steps were taken to really make it exist. It needed continued research.

Discussed and agreed

- The Asian Coordinating Team or also called the Coordinating Asian Team consist of 1 Priest – 1 couple & 1 single (male or female) 
‌Reasoning : 
‌• though 2 singles, male & female was good but 1 person can represent the youth adequately 
‌• financially it is less expensive in travel 
‌- The composition of the National Coordinating Team reconfirmed to be functioning as a body consisting of : 1 Priest  ,1 couple & 1 or 2 singles (male or female depending on availability) but the couple as representatives to the outside because priests & singles are usually mobile (move from city/country to another within their term of service)

Recommendations after the presentations of member countries :

 ‌- prayer room in the venue of the weekend 
‌- last follow up – at the end, celebrating the Eucharist (MASS) with commissioning, using candles 
‌– one candle for each participant to bring light to the world 
‌- presenters must be more committed to the ‘Solo Exercise’ 
‌– stay with the group and facilitate in sharings 
‌- Workshopping Team (also for those who are already presenters) National Coordinating Teams are recommended to have workshopping/coaching teams 
‌- The last session “Do I make a difference” to be given more serious attention 
‌- Indonesia reported to have a Deeper Weekend for future presenters, CAT was given the material for a translation in the English language

Elections: Japan – Indonesia & Korea were not ready for the nomination of CAT, so re elected as CAT were Fr. Frans de Ridder – couple Terentius & Rose Loh & single Jessica Chia from Singapore 

‌Host Country for the 4th Conference : JAPAN