The Vth Choice Asian Conference

held in Singapore  on May 30 – June 3, 1992

The Theme & Enrichment programme

Our Calling to Serve

Fr. Frans de Ridder standing in for Fr. Widi

Countries presented and others asked questions to learn

As agreed upon, the objectives of the Asia Choice Conferences were : sharing experiences, learning and motivating one another and promoting a sense of unity & identity amongst Choice Asian members. The following pictures are proofs that everybody present was doing their best.

Choice Malaysia shared & presented

Choice Taiwan shared & presented

Choice Japan

Choice Korea

Choice Taiwan

The hand over of “CAT” ship was done during the Closing MASS

What each country learned will be implemented in their own countries. CAT gave each country material for the ‘Deeper Weekend’ in English with the message & hope that it will be used for presenters & activists to get a deeper understanding of the Choice Weekend Themes. There was also a city tour in the agenda and of course elections. ‌

Elected CAT were: Couple Yohko & Shiro Asano – single Ms. Tomoko and Fr. Marcelino Fonts committed himself to become CAT priest when the elected couple were back in Japan