The VIIIth Choice Asian Conference

Held in Suwon – Korea – December 9 – 13, 1998

Theme & Enrichment :

The Lord is calling us to Leadership

The Coordinating Asian Team were Fr. Louise L’oiseau, couple Terentius & Rose Loh, singles Celina Lin – Terence Ho.

Present were : Choice Indonesia – Japan – Korea – Singapore – Taiwan & Philippines (observers – couple Rene & Zeny Crusada).

Topics discussed / shared :

• Since the year 2000 was approaching, the year of the Great Jubilee was one of the topics in this conference. 
‌• T.T.T. – emerge again – was still considered important for Choice Asia and a national T.T.T. would also be very helpful for the respective countries – needed further study.
‌• The “Paradigm of Leadership” was presented in drawings. Here is Taiwan’s

• The relationship between couples & singles presented in drawings Here’s Indonesia’s

Here’s Indonesia’s

Here's Japan’s

“What is more valuable & hopeful relationship of couples and singles in Choice ?

the following answers were taken from the minutes of the conference


1. Equal 
‌2. Functions according to talents and abilities 
‌3. Unique contributions : 
‌    Couple : share and give witness of            coupleness, experience, wisdom,              stability Singles : élan, hope,                      enthusiasm, dreams, trust.


Valuable and Hopeful Relationship of Couples and Singles 
‌1. Couples’ homes are open for singles, in order to make singles feel family’s warmth. 
‌2. Holding Enrichment Programmes for Presenters at Couples’ Houses. 
‌3. Dividing the Work : - Couples : Support and care singles; Train Presenters - Singles : Holding Choice Weekend; Dealing with Trifle Work.


1. For CHOICE to be successful, we need both the couples and the singles. 2. Presently, the relationship between the couples and the singles is good as a whole. Singles makes decisions together in consultation with couples and priests / religious, although we do face problems in one way or the other. 
‌3. To have proper understanding, to improve the relationship between the couples and the singles. We propose at this conference that the roles of these two are clearly defined and be adopted as guidelines for CHOICE ASIA.


1. Horizontal relationship 
‌2. Respect the personality of each other 3. The couple should be a testimony for youth about being a good couple 
‌4. To understand each other and complementarity 
‌5. The concept of caring. 
‌6. The young adults have to have the initiatives in Choice.


1. Composition of presenters 
‌1). 1 priest 
‌2). 2 religious (bro/nun) 
‌3). 2 couples i) snr couple ii) jr couple 
‌4). 2 Singles i) male and ii) female  
‌2. National coordinators 
‌3. Yes, in different groups in the various sub comm. And 3-4 workshop - recruitment; whenever there is a recruitment drive - prayer meets – every Thursday. 
‌4. Workshopping couples and religious. 5. Relationship within sub comm. is excellent and between sub comm’s is cordial. 
‌6. Single’s role : - Weekend : To relate their experiences to the participants. - Main comm. : To assist fully, to complement each other. 
‌7. Assign roles into different sub committees.

What had Choice done re the New Evangelization ?

Choice → deals with relationships in the family → reach out to communities & parish → absorb the value of life from the bible → build the Kingdom of God in our world

The traditional events were of course. Fun Games (Ice Breaking) – Cultural Night – Closing Mass & Farewell dinner.

Here are some snapshots