The IXth Choice Asian Conference

held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ~ on Dec 4 – 8, 2000

TThe Theme & Enrichment programme

A New Heart and a New Vision Forward Unity in Diversity

The Coordinating Asian Team were

Fr. L ’Oiseau – Couple Terentius & Rose Loh – Singles Cilina Lin & Terence Ho

HK team

Sister Teresa Yuen – couple Debbie & ( Simon =absent )

Present were: Indonesia – Korea – Singapore – Taiwan – Malaysia & Hongkong (new comer / observer)

The usual presentation Question & Answers – Learning from one another were done:


Mock Talk Shop by Choice Singapore

Choice’s Post Office during the Conference. A great idea of the Malaysian CAC. Letters from one to the other can be put in those decorated post boxes


Indonesia shared that they started with a new enrichment programme called “Personality Plus” taken from a series of books by Florence Littauer. Indonesia was also reprimanded for changing the sequence of WE sessions, putting “What is sex all about” before “Fidelity” and requested to put in back in place.

Proposal of T.T.T.

The matter of having a Think Tank Team (T.T.T) was proposed but again these were problems to establish it – It really has to be thought over & discussed seriously and agreed upon by all members of Choice Asia.

Most Important was

That all issues agreed in earlier conferences (1-8) were compiled in one guide book and is called The Constitution of Choice Asia Ratified by the CAT 1990 – 2000 – approved & signed by all delegates present

This is very important since presenters come and go – Priests – sisters go to live in other places or die – couples usually do not move but die – the singles got married or move to other cities / countries. Enlightening / informing new presenters will become easier and less time consuming if they are given this book.

half day city tour

happy group

Cultural Night

Taiwan local custom

Cultural Night

Malaysia in this conference showed us how their multi racial community can unite in diversity by a wedding show. “Brown married “yellowish white” joined together by a dark brown priest


closing mass

Host country

Actually Indonesia wanted to host the VIIIth conference in 1998 but there were uproars, anti Chinese actions on the streets so the conference hosting matter was taken over by Korea. Indonesia accepted hosting the Xth Asian Conference in Jakarta


was quite time consuming, because one couple nominee will have to organize the coming conference and the other not present at this conference. Phone calls were made and finally the elected CAT for the next term were : Fr. Adrianus Budhi (later replaced by Fr. Ign. Soesila Soewarna) couple Ivo & Lia Sumampouw. The singles were appointed later on, Novi & Tarsi.