The Xth Choice Asian Conference

Held in Singapore – December 1 – 5, 2004

The Theme & Enrichment programme

You are God’s Gift

The Coordinating Asian Team were Fr. Daniele Cambielli (replacing Fr. Ign Soesila Soewarna), couple Ivo & Lia Sumampouw, Single Ira (replacing Novi who got married). 

‌Present were Choice Singapore – Indonesia – Taiwan – Malaysia – Hongkong & Macau (recently started choice). Also present Terentius & Rose Loh the founders of Choice Asia & couple Ferry & Lely Nathan ex CAT 1990 – 1992. 

‌Note : The Xth Choice Asian Conference was supposed to be held in Gunung Geulis (Jakarta) Indonesia on October 30 – November 4, 2004, but when everything was ready, the Bali Bombing occurred and the conference was postponed – other dates were agreed on but again it had to be cancelled because of SARS in Asia. So time went by and Indonesia was still regarded as having political instability so finally Indonesia requested Choice Singapore to take over and they graciously accepted though they had to chip in for the cost since Indonesia’s funds could not cover the total cost of this conference in Singapore.

As usual each country presented by means of flipcharts, questions & answers to learn. The most discussed topic was “Hongkong” because the Choice Weekends in Hongkong were not done according to Tom Morrow’s Leaders’ Guide and Stipulated in the Choice Asia Constitution. Macau was very new, they call the weekends “camps”. Their understanding about “Choice” was still very little.

Choice Hongkong Debbie

Choice Hongkong & Macau

Choice Macau Marion

All other countries including CAT of course were very much interested in helping Hongkong & Macau, they asked questions or give guidelines / encouragements.

Choice Singapore

Choice Indonesia

Choice Taiwan

Choice Malaysia

Lia had a headache ?

Informations about the absence of

Korea : Just had their national elections, could not get visa in time, but Choice is thriving there. Japan : Had to stop Choice due to relationship between ME & Choice. ME is not supporting Choice couples thus lacking couple presenters. 
‌Philippines : Choice is under ME’s umbrella. Though former CAT has spoken to the ME National Coordinators, still no permission given for Choice couples to come.

The foremost important matter after the Hongkong & Macau issue was, the answer to this question :

“What can you do to Support Choice Asia ?

Here are the answers


• We can offer our spiritual Bouquet of Prayer & moral support. • We have updated & simplified the Choice WE Paks. If needed soft copy is available. 
‌• We also updated our song selection soft copy also available. 
‌• We are willing to learn & having a better atmosphere of open communication ties with CAT & other member countries.


• Up hold vision & mission and choice spiritually. 
‌• Committed to uphold vision & objectives of Choice as stated in the Choice Asia Constitution. 
‌• Maintain regular communication with CAT. 
‌• Active in the preparation of CAC. 
‌• Active contribution to “Hope of Asia” 
‌• Support Choice’s website when it come to existence.


• Prepared to set up an additional portfolio on national committee for interaction with CAT & member countries. 
‌• As member country increase levels of response/interaction with other members.


• Provide Chinese material. 
‌• Share news & activities through pictures & prayer 
‌• Be supportive to CAT 
‌• Set up Website 
‌• Follow the Choice Asian Constitution 
‌• Short meetings & more communication

In between serious discussions there were refreshing sessions such as

A Ball Game

Dancing & singing set example by Fr. Daniele

group dance

And an evening city tour through Orchard Road with its beautiful Christmas decorations. The Cultural Night was great and the audience got the assurance that Choice is guarded by Choice Loving and in Christ believing giants.

Ferry, Choice Indonesia

choice flag

Ivo, Choice Indonesia


The New CAT’s “Home Work”

Important proposal by Singapore

To help CAT resolve more issues, there need to be a dedicated liason officer for each country. Proposed are : David Gillian - Singapore, Jeffrey Nimbalker - Malaysia, Peter & Jenny - Taiwan, Peter & Seraphine - Indonesia


The new CAT is Indonesia - Priest : Fr. Daniele Cambielli Couple : Ferry & Lely Nathan Single : Ira Paskalina appointed when the Indonesian were back home