12th Choice Asian Conference

12th-15th August 2008 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

The Theme  & Enrichment programme

Seeking & Loving Christ in Our Life ‌

13th August marked a historical chapter in CHOICE Kuching as we hosted the 12th CHOICE Asian Conference, right here in Kuching, Sarawak. A total of 99 delegates from Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau and Malaysia converged at Harbour View Hotel for the 3-day conference. The conference delegates comprising of 10 priests, 2 religious sisters, and 87 other facilitators met up to share on the recent developments of the CHOICE movement in their respective countries, and presented new learnings that each had adopted or observed. The CAT team were represented by Fr John Baptist Huang, Peter Tseng and Jenny Tseng-Jun (couple), and John Yang (single). The conference program adopted the CHOICE motto "To Know, To Love and To Serve" across the three days.

Day 1

Day 1 "To Know" focused on the delegates themselves - how CHOICE has helped them to find and love God in their lives, their moments in serving God and others, and also a very eye-opening session entitled "Personality Plus", where all present had the opportunity to understand themselves and the personality of others better in order to communicate effectively. The first day ended with a Taize session and Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Day 2

Day 2 "To Love" presented yet another inspiring session where the various country representatives presented their reports and discussed new learnings. It was wonderful to be able to share ideas with other CHOICE member countries and learn from each other. The day continued with a session entitled "Shepherd Leadership" where 2 central figures were presented as role models - Christ and the late Pope John Paul II.

Day 3

Day 3 "To Serve" explored on the various ways each and everyone of us can be of service to others. While the country representatives stayed back for the second part of the conference, the rest of the delegates went around town to offer their services to the community by taking part in projects. They were divided into four groups and the groups visited the Sarawak Cheshire Home, homes of families under the care of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, the Sarawak Cancer Society and the childrens' cancer ward of the Sarawak General Hospital, and Mt Singai. The day ended with a concluding Mass presided by Archbishop John Ha and concelebrated by all the CHOICE priests, and then adjourned to a local restaurant for an evening of culture, music and fellowship. It was indeed an evening to be remembered as the delegates came in their traditional costumes and presented an array of cultural dances and music. It was truly an unforgettable conference for everyone.

Concluding mass presided by Archbishop John Ha, Kuching and with other priests

Concluding mass presided by Archbishop John Ha, Kuching and with other priests

CAC working team

Choice Indonesia

Choice Malaysia

Choice singapore

Choice Taiwan

Choice HongKong

Choice Macau

With all delegates

Trip to Mount Singai

Trip to Mount Singai

Cultural Night

Exciting Hunting Dance

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the Beauty and the beast

Song of Singapore

the conversion