Meet the NCT from Singapore

Choice – Living Authentic Lives 

This team comes with many talents and most importantly with a heart for God and the young adults; coming together to rally the Choice community to know, love and serve the Lord. We can do this as Choice challenges us to live out authentic lives for self, for family and for community, leaving good lasting relationships all around. The leadership has identified 3 main ministries of how it wants Choice to function. Spirituality, Publicity and Communications and Weekend Activities. Within each domain, they have been divided to focus on niche areas serving each main ministry’s function. After all, Choice is about the community that comes together to know, love and serve Him.

Celia Lim ‌ 

Single Coordinator
‌Choice Retreat House

I attended Choice in April 2009. Choice has enabled me to grow my faith and be more caring and tolerant to my loved ones as I realized I have similar experiences with others so I'm not alone in my struggles. Why I love Choice because I know this is a place where the fellowship, community and a haven where I know I'm accepted and will not be judged no matter what my background and experiences are.

Fr. Benjamin Anthonisamy 

Spiritual Director

It has been said that the two most important days of a man’s life are the day on which he was born and the day on which he discovers why he was born. Make a choice to discover your very self today. I pray that the Lord will guide and show you the way.

Regina Choo


Choice has enriched me by letting me meet, know and connect deeper with many people. After my Choice weekend, I am constantly looking forward to improve my relationships with significant others.

Gregory Chua

Single Coordinator 
‌Weekend Activities

I never expected that, after attending my Choice weekend, my coaching and sharing of encounters to change the perspective of my Dragon Boat team towards their parents, and even touch the lives of their parents. My best experience in Choice is doing Hcrew (hospitality service) during the weekend is like a free staycation. PLAN•EAT•SERVE with intermittent sleep.

Martin & Raquel Wong 

Couple Coordinators Spirituality

We both attended CHOICE in 1983 and returned as couple presenters after our ME Weekend in 1995. We treasure every weekend we have presented thus far, they were all wonderful experiences as we are always touched by participants' honesty and their friendship. Thus, really no best weekend but every one's wonderful to us. Choice serves as a reminder to both of us that we will always need to go back to basics no matter which phrase of our lives we are at; whether it is working at building bridges to lost relationships or to keep working on belonging to our significant others. Choice is always relevant to our lives. Keeps us focused on what's really important.

Lawrence De Silva.

‌Publicity & Communications

Choice helped me to discover more about myself and the people around me. It has made my life more meaningful through the stories and experiences I have heard during the weekends as a young adult then. My best Choice experience was the Make A Difference (MAD) experience in Bandung during the 14th CAC in 2013. It taught me that I can't do everything by myself and to allow others who care about me to help.

Madelene & Colin Lauw

Council member

Colin n I presented our 1st choice weekend in July 1994. These 26 years have been enriching as Choice has taught us to value good, honest communication with each other and with our family. Our favourite quote comes from St Teresa of Calcutta who said, “God does not call you to be successful but to be faithful. “ We pray for all in the Choice family to always be faithful and loving in the relationships we are called to belong.