Second Choice Asian Conference

held in Indonesia ~ on May 29 – June 1, 1986

The Coordinating Asian Team were

Fr. Frans de Ridder – Couple Terentius & Rose Loh Singles; 
‌Patrick D’Cruz & Jessica Chia From Singapore

Choice India

Choice Malaysia

Choice Japan

Choice Korea

The coordinating Asian Team Couple Terentius & Rose Loh – Fr. Frans de Ridder

Choice Japan & Choice Korea were the new members – Both countries reported about Choice in their countries and how they did their weekends. They were also updated about the points discussed in the 1st Conference by the CAT. Both Choice countries had no problems to accept all the agreements of the first conference – Logo & Motto – Theme Song – Objectives of the Asian Conference etc.

All Participants posing in the garden of Samadi Shallom, the conference’s place.

Seriously and in detail many topics were discussed and agreed upon such as

A. The objectives of the Choice Weekend: 
‌‌a. To present what belonging in a relationship is – the consequences & conditions of belonging ‌
‌b. To activate a response to the on going mission of the Catholic church & to involve the Choicers in definite and specific apostolic ventures ‌
‌c. To foster & create an environment of trust where effective communication takes place. ‌
‌B. T.T.T. (Think Tank Team) Though mentioned as something necessary for the development of Choice Asia in the 1st Conference, this was not really discussed then but in this conference it was. It became some kind of “Homework” for the participating countries to be discussed in their respective national meetings. 
‌C. Recruitment of participants to join the weekends ‌
‌D. Guide-lines for the selection/recruitment of team presenters, its basic structure and standard from of training ‌
‌E. The common structure & uniformity of the Asian Choice Weekends & follow ups a.o.: ‌
‌E1 The weekend program proper ‌
‌E2 The possibility of non Catholic, less educated and disabled participants ‌
‌F. Enrichment programmes for team Presenters & Choicers ‌
‌G. Guide lines regarding the relationship of ME & Choice Note: By the time of this 2nd Conference, Choice Indonesia had detached itself from ME’s O & A programme. It had their 1st National Team of Presenters ‌
‌H1. The recommended number of participants per weekend is 36-45. Can accept 50 since last moment dropouts can be expected 
‌H2. Quota for non Catholic’s is necessary – it was up to the National Coordinators & local situation to decide its percentage ‌I. Post Weekend (not follow-ups only) programmes were recommended The “Refreshing Weekend” presented by Indonesia and “Journey” by Japan were recommended to be used by other countries. 
‌J. Nominees for Choice Asian & National Coordinating Teams must be: 
‌J1 active members of the Choice Presenting Team who must have given at least 1 (one) weekend within the last year 
‌J2 should have Choice as their main apostolate as not to be over committed ‌
‌K. The publication of the Choice Asian News a ‘magazine’ called “The Hope of Asia” 
‌K1 to be published once a year in English 
‌K2 articles from member countries (enriching sharings or other news) should be sent 2 (two) months before publication ‌
‌L. Choice Asia Funds Each member country must contribute US$ 500 per year to cover a.o. the travel expenses of the Coordinating Asian Team and contribution to (the organizing funds) the Host Country. Plus of course the cost of publishing “The Hope of Asia”, postal cost etc.

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‌To unite Choice Asia was not easy, so all topics/points needed to be thought over, discussed to its details. Time was very limited so the plan was that further discussions will be done in the 3rd Conference in Korea. Also agreed was, that all future Asian Conferences should have a theme and a complementing Enrichment programme which will heighten the spirit to serve of all attendees and it was recommended to be passed on to the local Choice communities with the same goal. Since the member countries were not ready to take the role of CAT, Fr. Frans de Ridder, couple Terentius & Rose Loh – single Jessica Chia from Singapore were re elected as CAT

The Closing MASS

The Cultural Night participants posing together

On behalf of Choice Indonesia Ferry & Lely said words of thanks and “Sayonara, till we meet again” to the audience