Sister Yuen

Sister Teresa Yuen Sau-mei of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, and editor-in-chief of weekly newspapers of the Diocese of Hong Kong, died on March 15. usce

Sister Yuen received an undergraduate degree in Chinese literature from Fu Jen University in Taiwan and later received a master’s degree from the University of Hong Kong having studied the history of missionaries in China.

She worked in different ministries and apostolates. For the diocese, she was the assistant spiritual director of the Hong Kong Central Council of Catholic Laity, the executive secretary of the Diocesan Commission for Laity Formation, and was a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family. She also taught the catechumen class at St. Ignatius Church in Kowloon.

She was the advisor of Choice Weekend Hong Kong, a youth formation programme and committed to promoting the Hong Kong Marriage Encounter Association.

In media work, she was a consultant and programme host with the Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre.

She was appointed editor-in-chief of the Kung Kao Po and the Sunday Examiner in 2005 and held the post until her passing.

May she rest in peace.

‌Our beloved ones

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