National meeting Taiwan 2020

Members of Taiwan Choice meet together in HuaLiang In 8/14-16, 2020. The beautiful sea side of east Taiwan. In this two days meeting, some important decisions had been made. Which includes, the reorganization of working group and the invitation of more youth into working group. Fr. Huang also pointed out that we should develop some unique strategy in Choice localization. That means  to spread choice spirit ( to know, love & serve)  by the way that youth can learn and digest easily.

2020年 8/14-16,“台灣choice”會員在花蓮聚會。會場在台灣東部美麗的海濱。在為期兩天的會議中,做出了一些重要的決定。其中包括工作組的重組和邀請更多年輕人加入工作組。黃神父還指出,我們應該在choice本地化方面製定一些獨特的策略。以容易學習和消化的方式向年輕人傳播選擇精神-認識愛慕服務。

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